BASW Launches Enquiry Into Ethics Of Forced Adoption

The only thing is, it can take parents/natural parents/grandparents/natural parents ‘years’ to get the evidence needed. Procedure needs to be made more easily accessible for the parents etc (and children) too who are going through it all now because not everyone owns/knows how to operate a computer. Many won’t be able to afford one. Should they be penalised for this and miss out on learning their (equal) rights? to help protect their family’s?

Researching Reform

The British Association Of Social Workers (BASW) has launched an Enquiry looking into the UK’s current adoption practices. 

The Enquiry itself was launched in May 2016, and is still ongoing. The review includes a questionnaire (which can be accessed through the link in the first paragraph), one day events across the UK for stakeholders, focus groups and interviews with interested parties and written submissions.

The Enquiry will consider the non consensual nature of adoption, or forced adoption as it is sometimes called, social workers’ involvement in the practice of removing children from parents without their consent and the ethical  and human rights issues underpinning this practice.

The Enquiry page outlines the BASW Code of Ethics for Social Work:

‘Ethical awareness is fundamental to the professional practice of social workers. Their ability and commitment to act ethically is an essential aspect of the quality of the service offered to those who engage…

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Your Story: Family Support Versus Forced Adoption

Researching Reform

Our next story looks at what happens when councils ignore expert evidence encouraging the use of support services and choose to file care orders instead.

1. Could you give a brief summary of the facts of your case?

Our four children were removed from our care without our consent, all through forced adoptions. The two eldest were placed with family and our two youngest were adopted by strangers. The orders were made using the ‘risk of emotional harm’ threshold, however my wife’s lawyer felt strongly that the criteria had not been met. I was unrepresented because I could not afford a lawyer.

Our family became known to social services because my wife pushed one of our children’s car seats a little too aggressively, which resulted in her being placed on the child protection register. She was then removed from the register a year later and was never placed on it…

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Woman sanctioned after miscarriage was left in poverty and suicidal

Politics and Insights

imagesA woman was left with just £24 each week of her social security to live on after suffering a miscarriage and being sanctioned. She has told the Daily Record how she considered suicide after being left with barely anything to buy food and pay bills.

Lyndsey Turnbull told of her ordeal as the Scottish Government formally launched their new welfare-to-work programmes.

Lyndsey from Midlothian, said: “I wanted to get into work but the whole thing seemed geared up to punish those who wanted to get off benefits.”

She was on approximately £140 a fortnight Employment and Support Allowance when she missed an appointment after having a miscarriage around nine weeks into a pregnancy.

She said: “I was in a bad place and couldn’t talk to anyone about it.”

Lyndsey was sanctioned because was too distressed to disclose the reason for missing the appointment, which is absolutely understandable. However…

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Infamous Section 20 Arrangements To Be Investigated – Have Your Say

Researching Reform

Troublesome accommodation arrangements organised by local authorities for vulnerable children are to going to be investigated by a group hoping to learn more about why there is a gap in good practice when it comes to the use of Section 20.

Section 20 arrangements stem from the Children Act 1989, and allow a local authority to place a child in accommodation where there may be child welfare concerns.

Section 20 arrangements have come under the spotlight for improper use by local authorities, which includes trying to force parents to agree to these arrangements and using S.20 arrangements as a way to secure care proceedings.

Another concern is that current thinking suggests there is no duty on councils to get written or other forms of consent from parents when offering children accommodation, which makes it easier for councils to misuse this legislation. The thinking also contradicts guidance issued by the President of the…

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