Me addressing WCC employees constant breaches re:data.

Ms MM Simmons 
[FOI #173831 email] 
20 March 2014 
Our ref: 6093671 
Ask For: Sarah Clarke 
Dear Ms Simmons 
Thank you for contacting Worcestershire County Council. 
I acknowledge your request for information received on 14th March 2014. 
We would ask that you forward to us – either by email to the address this letter 
was sent to or by post to the address below – the photographs you have 
regarding this matter.  We will then implement an investigation and follow the 
correct HR procedures if appropriate.  
Once we receive this information, then your request will then be considered and 
you will receive the information requested within the 20 working day timescale as 
defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, subject to the information being 
exempt from legal disclosure. 
The Act/Regulations define(s) a number of exemptions, which may prevent 
release of the information you have asked for. If this is the case we will write to 
you and also inform you of your rights of appeal. 
In some circumstances Worcestershire County Council (WCC) may make a 
charge for this information. This will be considered and we will tell you if a fee is 
payable. In this event the fee must be paid before the information is processed 
and released. The 20 working day time limit for responses will be suspended 
until receipt of the payment and payment must be made within three months. 
In some circumstances WCC may need to consult with third parties 
(people not employed by WCC) about the release of information relating to 
them or their organisation. Please let me know if you do not wish your 

Sarah Clarke 
name to be released to any third parties we may need to contact in order to 
Team Manager – 
fulfil this request. 
Subject Access 
If I do not hear from you within three months of this letter I will assume that you 
01905 728932 
do not wish to progress your request. 
PO Box 73 
County Hall 
Spetchley Road 
WR5 2YA 
Tel 01905 728932Fax 01905 766156Minicom (01905) 766399DX 29941 Worcester 2 
Chs[Worcestershire County Council request email]

If you have any queries or concerns then please contact me on 01905 728932 
Yours sincerely 

Sarah Clarke 
Team Manager – Subject Access Requests 




I have been asked to post this story including name’s, as there is no order against this couple. They left for freedom and justice before the local authority intervened, or so they thought! The Couple are now being pursued in Spain after documents by the Police and Court were produced, post departure. Here is the family’s story….

Our first contact with social services was on friday 4th December 2009. They hand delivered a letter to our home while we were out. When we returned we read the letter, which said they had received a referral about our children and we had to contact them as soon as possible. With in an hour 2 social workers and 2 child protection officers were banging on our door demanding to be let in so they could check the children. We told them no as we had only just received their letter, they hadn’t…

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There is some corner of a foreign field that is forever not part of the Hague Convention


The quirky case of Leicester City Council v Chhatbar 2014 – which features without a doubt the best application for permission to appeal I’ve ever read

The parents names are reported in the case because they are freely available to view on the Interpol website  (the Daily Mail attended the hearing and sought that permission to name the parent, which was granted)

    1. On 12th October 2013 at a time when Mr. Chhatbar and Miss Rahman frankly concede they knew that Abdul Rahman was the subject of protective measures, they left England and Wales and travelled to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. As is well known, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is recognised as an independent state only by Turkey. The rest of the world, and specifically the European Union, regard the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as being a military occupation by Turkey of part of…

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    “Adoption—genealogical bewilderment”

    Adoption Detective: Memoir of an Adopted Child

    Judith Land | Celebrity Adoptee | Villa Saint Andrea Judith Land, Villa Sant’ Andrea, Tuscany, Italy, addressing the topic of genealogical bewilderment and mothers who intentionally lock themselves behind stone walls and iron gates to maintain secrecy and conceal their true identify from their own biological child, “Motherhood is an act of creation and an enduring verity that is everlasting. Our mothers launch us into this world and they are our true spiritual and biological link on this earth for all eternity. The genetic blueprint we inherit from them mimics the physiological and psychological characteristics shared by our matriarchal ancestors for survival over the millennia. Our relationship is much more unique and complex than simply biological—the essence of the ethereal life force that sustains and connects us as mother and child is esoteric, intuitive, spiritual and eternally much greater than the sum of its parts—to fully develop our concept of self we must know something about our heritage before we can…

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